Specialty shops & Warehouses

In Europe we have thousands of specialty shops & warehouses. In every big city you will find some.

They focus on both food as well as non-food, but all have to do with La Dolce Vita.
World Coffee Gear supplies high-end brands and simple but highly functional Barista essentials for your specialty shop.

Whether you are targeting the kitchen, bedroom, outdoor or the businesses on your street, we have a brand to suit almost every environment. Just for every day use for your customer at home or as a give away for a special occasion.


Make it Attractive
Create a corner with Fellow's Stagg EKG kettles for a slow drip or a fantastic tea from loose leaves.
Let that newly prepared tea or slow drip coffee roll in Kruve's double-walled and hand-blown glasses.
Or an Airscape from Planetary Design to perfectly store all your products that are sensitive to air.
Your customer with a real morning ritual will feast their eyes on Joy Resolve's Bariseur, which wakes you up with the delicious smell of freshly brewed coffee.

Need I say more? We are here to help you with your choces.

Simply send us this FORM and we will contact you.


Just one-off purchase? Always a discount from € 300 excl. VAT. 

1. Make a company account with your VAT number

2. Apply for our news letter

3. Send us a request for your Discount: sales@worldcoffeegear.eu