Fellow - Prismo AeroPress® Attachment

€36.30 €30.00
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Fellow - Prismo AeroPress® Attachment

Fellow Prismo is a pressure actuated valve designed to be used with the AeroPress® Coffee Maker. This attachment allows for a buildup of pressure to create espresso-style coffee and creates a no drip seal for a full immersion brew.

The valve also works as a drip seal preventing any water from dripping through the AeroPress until enough pressure has been applied. The reusable 70 micron etched stainless steel filter stops sludge in its tracks and eliminates the need for paper filters. The valve’s small aperture also fits directly over an espresso shot glass.


FELLOW - Prismo AeroPress® Attachment


  • Body material: Polypropylene
  • Valve material: Silicone
  • Reusable 70 micron etched fine stainless steel filter
  • Dimensions: 7cm x 2,5cm x 20,3cm 

* Prismo is not compatible with AeroPress® Go or AeroPress® produced between 2005-2009.

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